Daily / Monthly Weather History From This Station
NOTE. All data featured in this website remains copyright of merseyside weather free for accademic use, for media please contact me first.
Daily Report for the month of December 2024
1 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 11.7°C |
Average humidity | 90% |
Average dewpoint | 10.1°C |
Average barometer | 1005.4 mb |
Average windspeed | 11.1 mph |
Average gustspeed | 11.2 mph |
Average direction | 179° (S) |
Rainfall for month | 3.8 mm |
Rainfall for year | 756.6 mm |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.2 mm on 01 at 22:06 |
Maximum temperature | 14.1°C on 01 at 13:12 |
Minimum temperature | 9.6°C on 01 at 00:00 |
Maximum humidity | 93% on 01 at 11:48 |
Minimum humidity | 81% on 01 at 13:49 |
Maximum pressure | 1010.2 mb on 01 at 00:05 |
Minimum pressure | 1003.8 mb on 01 at 15:22 |
Maximum windspeed | 20 mph on 01 at 03:32 |
Maximum gust speed | 20 mph from 160 °(SSE) on 01 at 03:33 |
Maximum heat index | 14.1°C on 01 at 13:12 |
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2 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 7.1°C |
Average humidity | 91% |
Average dewpoint | 5.8°C |
Average barometer | 1009.9 mb |
Average windspeed | 10.6 mph |
Average gustspeed | 10.6 mph |
Average direction | 298° (WNW) |
Rainfall for month | 11.0 mm |
Rainfall for year | 763.8 mm |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.4 mm on 02 at 07:21 |
Maximum temperature | 9.6°C on 02 at 00:11 |
Minimum temperature | 3.2°C on 02 at 23:50 |
Maximum humidity | 95% on 02 at 04:25 |
Minimum humidity | 88% on 02 at 08:55 |
Maximum pressure | 1018.0 mb on 02 at 23:59 |
Minimum pressure | 1003.5 mb on 02 at 04:22 |
Maximum windspeed | 20 mph on 02 at 10:01 |
Maximum gust speed | 20 mph from 290 °(WNW) on 02 at 10:02 |
Maximum heat index | 9.6°C on 02 at 00:08 |
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3 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 4.2°C |
Average humidity | 92% |
Average dewpoint | 3.0°C |
Average barometer | 1019.0 mb |
Average windspeed | 5.6 mph |
Average gustspeed | 5.6 mph |
Average direction | 132° (SE) |
Rainfall for month | 11.4 mm |
Rainfall for year | 764.2 mm |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.2 mm on 03 at 23:03 |
Maximum temperature | 5.9°C on 03 at 13:32 |
Minimum temperature | 2.8°C on 03 at 08:48 |
Maximum humidity | 97% on 03 at 23:59 |
Minimum humidity | 91% on 03 at 23:57 |
Maximum pressure | 1020.1 mb on 03 at 11:34 |
Minimum pressure | 1017.9 mb on 03 at 00:43 |
Maximum windspeed | 8 mph on 03 at 23:59 |
Maximum gust speed | 8 mph from 180 °(S) on 03 at 23:59 |
Maximum heat index | 5.9°C on 03 at 13:32 |
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4 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 6.7°C |
Average humidity | 93% |
Average dewpoint | 5.6°C |
Average barometer | 1015.8 mb |
Average windspeed | 9.9 mph |
Average gustspeed | 9.9 mph |
Average direction | 163° (SSE) |
Rainfall for month | 12.4 mm |
Rainfall for year | 765.2 mm |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.2 mm on 04 at 20:19 |
Maximum temperature | 9.8°C on 04 at 23:59 |
Minimum temperature | 3.3°C on 04 at 08:58 |
Maximum humidity | 95% on 04 at 00:01 |
Minimum humidity | 91% on 04 at 00:06 |
Maximum pressure | 1021.1 mb on 04 at 09:38 |
Minimum pressure | 1004.6 mb on 04 at 23:54 |
Maximum windspeed | 20 mph on 04 at 23:31 |
Maximum gust speed | 20 mph from 170 °(S) on 04 at 23:32 |
Maximum heat index | 9.8°C on 04 at 23:59 |
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5 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 9.9°C |
Average humidity | 88% |
Average dewpoint | 8.0°C |
Average barometer | 999.4 mb |
Average windspeed | 15.4 mph |
Average gustspeed | 17.4 mph |
Average direction | 261° (W) |
Rainfall for month | 25.8 mm |
Rainfall for year | 778.6 mm |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.4 mm on 05 at 04:32 |
Maximum temperature | 11.9°C on 05 at 04:47 |
Minimum temperature | 7.6°C on 05 at 21:03 |
Maximum humidity | 93% on 05 at 05:30 |
Minimum humidity | 75% on 05 at 23:59 |
Maximum pressure | 1004.7 mb on 05 at 23:56 |
Minimum pressure | 991.2 mb on 05 at 15:53 |
Maximum windspeed | 33 mph on 05 at 19:31 |
Maximum gust speed | 45 mph from 290 °(WNW) on 05 at 22:02 |
Maximum heat index | 11.9°C on 05 at 04:47 |
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6 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 7.7°C |
Average humidity | 83% |
Average dewpoint | 5.0°C |
Average barometer | 1004.9 mb |
Average windspeed | 15.9 mph |
Average gustspeed | 17.4 mph |
Average direction | 219° (SW) |
Rainfall for month | 26.6 mm |
Rainfall for year | 779.4 mm |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.2 mm on 06 at 17:01 |
Maximum temperature | 10.1°C on 06 at 23:59 |
Minimum temperature | 6.2°C on 06 at 17:16 |
Maximum humidity | 95% on 06 at 21:53 |
Minimum humidity | 71% on 06 at 02:45 |
Maximum pressure | 1013.5 mb on 06 at 09:12 |
Minimum pressure | 983.3 mb on 06 at 23:57 |
Maximum windspeed | 24 mph on 06 at 22:31 |
Maximum gust speed | 43 mph from 170 °(S) on 06 at 01:02 |
Maximum heat index | 10.1°C on 06 at 23:59 |
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7 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 7.8°C |
Average humidity | 84% |
Average dewpoint | 5.1°C |
Average barometer | 992.6 mb |
Average windspeed | 27.1 mph |
Average gustspeed | 47.5 mph |
Average direction | 315° (NW) |
Rainfall for month | 37.4 mm |
Rainfall for year | 790.2 mm |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.2 mm on 07 at 15:24 |
Maximum temperature | 10.5°C on 07 at 00:41 |
Minimum temperature | 5.9°C on 07 at 10:37 |
Maximum humidity | 92% on 07 at 05:45 |
Minimum humidity | 75% on 07 at 20:02 |
Maximum pressure | 1013.2 mb on 07 at 23:56 |
Minimum pressure | 975.0 mb on 07 at 04:47 |
Maximum windspeed | 36 mph on 07 at 15:01 |
Maximum gust speed | 67 mph from 330 °(NNW) on 07 at 14:02 |
Maximum heat index | 10.5°C on 07 at 00:39 |
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8 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 6.7°C |
Average humidity | 77% |
Average dewpoint | 2.9°C |
Average barometer | 1024.8 mb |
Average windspeed | 17.6 mph |
Average gustspeed | 23.2 mph |
Average direction | 344° (NNW) |
Rainfall for month | 37.4 mm |
Rainfall for year | 790.2 mm |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.0 mm on 08 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 7.7°C on 08 at 16:51 |
Minimum temperature | 5.4°C on 08 at 07:05 |
Maximum humidity | 85% on 08 at 22:42 |
Minimum humidity | 69% on 08 at 06:32 |
Maximum pressure | 1032.3 mb on 08 at 23:59 |
Minimum pressure | 1013.2 mb on 08 at 00:02 |
Maximum windspeed | 28 mph on 08 at 06:31 |
Maximum gust speed | 47 mph from 340 °(NNW) on 08 at 05:42 |
Maximum heat index | 7.7°C on 08 at 16:51 |
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9 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 6.9°C |
Average humidity | 80% |
Average dewpoint | 3.6°C |
Average barometer | 1034.7 mb |
Average windspeed | 10.7 mph |
Average gustspeed | 11.1 mph |
Average direction | 23° (NNE) |
Rainfall for month | 37.4 mm |
Rainfall for year | 790.2 mm |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.0 mm on 09 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 9.2°C on 09 at 13:44 |
Minimum temperature | 5.6°C on 09 at 00:27 |
Maximum humidity | 88% on 09 at 04:46 |
Minimum humidity | 69% on 09 at 13:54 |
Maximum pressure | 1036.5 mb on 09 at 23:54 |
Minimum pressure | 1032.1 mb on 09 at 00:52 |
Maximum windspeed | 16 mph on 09 at 17:31 |
Maximum gust speed | 29 mph from 040 °(NE) on 09 at 08:32 |
Maximum heat index | 9.2°C on 09 at 13:44 |
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10 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 5.8°C |
Average humidity | 74% |
Average dewpoint | 1.5°C |
Average barometer | 1034.8 mb |
Average windspeed | 9.0 mph |
Average gustspeed | 9.0 mph |
Average direction | 46° (NE) |
Rainfall for month | 37.4 mm |
Rainfall for year | 790.2 mm |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.0 mm on 10 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 7.9°C on 10 at 12:51 |
Minimum temperature | 4.5°C on 10 at 21:34 |
Maximum humidity | 78% on 10 at 23:59 |
Minimum humidity | 67% on 10 at 12:58 |
Maximum pressure | 1036.5 mb on 10 at 00:22 |
Minimum pressure | 1033.5 mb on 10 at 23:56 |
Maximum windspeed | 14 mph on 10 at 01:31 |
Maximum gust speed | 14 mph from 050 °(NE) on 10 at 01:32 |
Maximum heat index | 7.9°C on 10 at 12:51 |
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11 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 5.3°C |
Average humidity | 78% |
Average dewpoint | 1.7°C |
Average barometer | 1032.4 mb |
Average windspeed | 5.5 mph |
Average gustspeed | 5.5 mph |
Average direction | 81° (E) |
Rainfall for month | 37.4 mm |
Rainfall for year | 790.2 mm |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.0 mm on 11 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 5.9°C on 11 at 14:40 |
Minimum temperature | 4.7°C on 11 at 00:14 |
Maximum humidity | 83% on 11 at 08:53 |
Minimum humidity | 76% on 11 at 14:47 |
Maximum pressure | 1033.6 mb on 11 at 00:05 |
Minimum pressure | 1031.6 mb on 11 at 14:48 |
Maximum windspeed | 8 mph on 11 at 13:31 |
Maximum gust speed | 8 mph from 090 °(E) on 11 at 13:32 |
Maximum heat index | 5.9°C on 11 at 14:40 |
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12 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 5.8°C |
Average humidity | 89% |
Average dewpoint | 4.0°C |
Average barometer | 1029.6 mb |
Average windspeed | 3.4 mph |
Average gustspeed | 3.4 mph |
Average direction | 61° (ENE) |
Rainfall for month | 37.6 mm |
Rainfall for year | 790.4 mm |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.2 mm on 12 at 19:16 |
Maximum temperature | 6.8°C on 12 at 19:53 |
Minimum temperature | 4.7°C on 12 at 05:21 |
Maximum humidity | 92% on 12 at 23:59 |
Minimum humidity | 80% on 12 at 00:29 |
Maximum pressure | 1031.9 mb on 12 at 00:07 |
Minimum pressure | 1026.8 mb on 12 at 23:59 |
Maximum windspeed | 6 mph on 12 at 21:01 |
Maximum gust speed | 6 mph from 050 °(NE) on 12 at 21:02 |
Maximum heat index | 6.8°C on 12 at 19:50 |
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Average and Extremes for Month of December 2024 up to day 12 |
Average temperature | 7.1°C |
Average humidity | 85% |
Average dewpoint | 4.7°C |
Average barometer | 1017.0 mb |
Average windspeed | 11.8 mph |
Average gustspeed | 14.3 mph |
Average direction | 326° (NW) |
Rainfall for month | 37.6 mm |
Rainfall for year | 790.4 mm |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.4 mm on 05 at 04:32 |
Maximum temperature | 14.1°C on 01 at 13:12 |
Minimum temperature | 2.8°C on 03 at 08:48 |
Maximum humidity | 97% on 03 at 23:59 |
Minimum humidity | 67% on 10 at 12:58 |
Maximum pressure | 1036.5 mb on 09 at 23:54 |
Minimum pressure | 975.0 mb on 07 at 04:47 |
Maximum windspeed | 36 mph from 330°(NNW) on 07 at 15:01 |
Maximum gust speed | 67 mph from 338°(NNW) on 07 at 14:02 |
Maximum heat index | 14.1°C on 01 at 13:12 |
Avg daily max temp | 9.1°C |
Avg daily min temp | 5.3°C |
Growing degrees days | 0.0 GDD |
Day, Sunshine Hours, ET, Max Solar, UV |
01 03:12hrs |
ET :1.0 mm |
363.0 W/mē |
02 00:30hrs |
ET :0.4 mm |
160.6 W/mē |
03 01:24hrs |
ET :0.4 mm |
239.8 W/mē |
04 01:42hrs |
ET :0.5 mm |
145.2 W/mē |
05 00:18hrs |
ET :1.5 mm |
63.8 W/mē |
06 00:54hrs |
ET :1.6 mm |
124.3 W/mē |
07 00:00hrs |
ET :2.4 mm |
36.3 W/mē |
08 01:24hrs |
ET :1.7 mm |
171.6 W/mē |
09 02:30hrs |
ET :1.3 mm |
291.5 W/mē |
10 00:48hrs |
ET :1.2 mm |
288.2 W/mē |
11 00:06hrs |
ET :0.7 mm |
66.0 W/mē |
12 00:00hrs |
ET :0.3 mm |
84.7 W/mē |
Daily Rain Totals |
03.8 mm on 1 |
07.2 mm on 2 |
00.4 mm on 3 |
01.0 mm on 4 |
13.4 mm on 5 |
00.8 mm on 6 |
10.8 mm on 7 |
00.2 mm on 12 |